Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Joining the crowd...

Ok, it seems like all my friends have blogs. Some share rambling thoughts, while others are logging major milestones in life, and others use it as a platform of self promotion. I guess I will be somewhere in between all three. I promise I will not bore or anger you by mulling over my personal growth issues. I'm not on some major life changing adventure like adoption (not that I can't say fro sure that the next time places it on my heart that he isn't going to follow through) or struggling through the agony of loving a child with a terminal illness. And I have no desire to be a nationally known author or speaker - although a few friends are trying to convince me to apply for next round of 'The Next Food Network Star'. This is a simple blog of a simple girl who is just one of the millions who blog, and maybe will write down something that someone somewhere finds interesting.

And, yes, I am bored waiting for claims to finish processing so that I can download those tonight as well.